Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gov. Brown Signs First Part of California's New Nightmare DREAM Act

Originally By Bryan Llenas, Modified To Remove Politically Correct Leadings

Illegal alien activist Governor Jerry Brown officially signed California's Assembly Bill 130 Monday afternoon, increasing access to college financial aid for illegal aliens in the state.
The bill is part of a legislative package made up of two parts, AB 130 and AB 131, and together they are referred to as the California DREAM Act. 
Brown's signing on Monday paves the way for illegal aliens to reap the benefits  of American citizens or legal residents from private scholarship money. The second part of the bill, AB 131, which has not been signed, would grant illegal aliens the same public financial aid options given to U.S. citizens and legal residents.
Meanwhile, Illegal Alien Activist, President Barack Obama reaffirmed his support for the Illegal Alien DREAM Act in his address to the National Council of La Raza Conference (NCLR):  That  is "The National Council of the HISPANIC RACE" earlier in the day.
Two months ago, Obama went to El Paso, Texas, too, and pledged to fight for an immigration overhaul (Illegal Alien Amnesty Program).
"I promised you I would fix our broken immigration system(pass an illegal alien amnesty bill) and make the DREAM Act a reality," he said. "I went down to the border of El Paso to vision for an immigration system that holds true to our values( I guess those values are:American Citizenship Means Nothing) and our heritage, and meets our economic and security needs." I would have to guess, that Obama is saying we will  spend every penny,  and do all in our power to take care of Illegal Aliens from Mexico.

Unbelievable, Illegal Aliens Sue Alabama Over Immigration Law. Kind Of Like Buglars Suing Over Burglary Laws.

Alabama’s new immigration law will subject all immigrants to harassment, says a lawsuit filed in Montgomery County Circuit Court.
The lawsuit is filed on behalf of five plaintiffs, who include two illegal aliens, two Mexican immigrants who are U.S. citizens and the spouse of an illegal alien worker.  The lawsuit maintains that the law violates provisions in the Alabama Constitution that encourage immigration.
"Our point is these people(illegal aliens) have individual rights that cannot be tread upon by the Alabama Legislature," said Thomas Drake, a Cullman attorney representing the plaintiffs.

A statement from Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange's office said they were reviewing the complaint and would defend the law "vigorously."
Signed by Gov. Robert Bentley on June 9, the new immigration law makes it a crime to be an illegal alien  in Alabama and allows law enforcement to detain individuals they have a "reasonable suspicion" of being in the country illegally. 
The law also makes it illegal to give illegal aliens rides and requires school districts to check on the immigration status of students who enroll.
The law is modeled on Arizona's immigration law, parts of which have been blocked by federal court.
Illegal Aliens Activist groups:  American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the National Immigration Law Center filed suit earlier this month to overturn Alabama’s, much needed, immigration law. 
The lawsuit seeks class action status to allow the plaintiffs to represent all those who may be affected by the new law. The suit states that the defendants could bring harm to the plaintiffs because as state officials they have a duty to enforce the law the plaintiffs seek to block.
Meanwhile, the Alabama Farmers Federation and Alabama Employers for Immigration Reform plan to host a series of seminars to help the state’s farmers, as well as other employers, understand the new law.
David Cole, director of agricultural legislation for the federation, says farmers want to make sure they are in compliance with the new regulations, and need to understand how the law will impact the workforce so they can make plans.
This story contains material from The Associated Press, and has been modified to get rid of politically correct language and misleadings.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

ACLU & Other Illegal Alien Activist Groups Working To Derail Alabama's Much Needed New Immigration Law

Original Author  BOB JOHNSON, Associated Press
This report has been modified to remove politically correct  terminology & misleadings

MONTGOMERY, Ala. - A coalition of Illegal Alien Activist groups asked a federal judge Thursday to block Alabama's Much Needed and Very Necessary new illegal immigration laws from taking effect Sept. 1.
The request was filed in federal court in Huntsville by the same Illegal Alien Advocate groups that have already sued over the law, which opponents and supporters say is the most effective of its kind in the nation.
Federal courts have blocked all or parts of similar laws passed in four other states. Alabama's law allows police to detain people they suspect of being illegal aliens after a traffic stop, requires schools to report the immigration status of students, and makes it illegal to knowingly transport or give shelter to  illegal aliens.
The motion filed Thursday by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center and other illegal alien advocate groups  rant that the law is blatantly unconstitutional and asks a judge to stop it before it harms illegal alien Alabama residents. An attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center, Sam Brooke, said the motion seeks to stop  any illegal immigration enforcement: until the courts have issued a final ruling on the lawsuit. Basically, they are saying: they want to stop any immigration enforcement until they can kill the bill  through the court system.
Meanwhile, Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange has filed a motion claiming the original lawsuit is vague, repetitive and does not give a legal reason for why the new law should be thrown out.
Strange's motion asks U.S. District Judge Sharon Blackburn to order the plaintiffs to rewrite the original lawsuit and provide a clearer explanation of what's wrong with the law.
Strange's motion challenges one statement in the original lawsuit that compared the new immigration law to "the worst aspects of Alabama's history," referring to the state's segregationist past.  The illegal Activist groups compare the wrongful treatment of legal Black American Citizens, people who have every right to be in the country; to illegal aliens  who have Absolutely No Right to be in the country.   Strange's motion calls that language "impertinent and scandalous" and asks that it be removed from the lawsuit.
Republican House Speaker Mike Hubbard said the lawsuit would not undo the immigration law and Alabama would not become a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.
"If the court finds problems with parts of the law, tweaks can be made," Hubbard said. "Alabama will have a strict immigration law, and we will enforce it."
Supporters of the new law have argued that it only involves the activities of illegal immigrants and that anyone who is in the country legally or who is a U.S. citizen should not be concerned.
But Brooke said the new law involves average Alabama citizens in immigration decisions by making it illegal for them to enter into a contract with  or even give a ride to the store to an illegal immigrant.  Brooke's objection are also completely ridiculous, as it makes sense not to enter into a contract with, or give a ride to someone who has No Right being in the country in the first place.
"You as a private citizen have no way of knowing what the immigration status is of a person," Brooke said.  Illegal Alien Activist Brooke  reaching for every phony argument possible to stop illegal immigration enforcement.
The lawsuit claims that it's the federal government's duty to enforce immigration law and that Alabama's law encroaches on that authority.  These individuals bringing these lawsuits know if they can take all power of immigration enforcement from the states; that the  immigration laws will not be enforced.   The Feds have no intention to enforce immigration laws.
But Senate president pro tem Republican Sen. Del Marsh of Anniston said Alabama officials have tired of waiting for the Pro illegal alien activist leaders in the  federal government to act.
"While the federal government has  consistently Refused to enforce  immigration law,  promoted policies encouraging illegal immigration,  brought law suits to stop enforcement  of immigration laws,  and they have always looked the other way on this issue.  The Alabama's illegal alien population has exploded nearly 400 percent over the last decade," Marsh said. With Alabama's unemployment rate over 9 percent, Marsh said it's important to make sure state residents aren't being passed over for jobs in favor of those who have no legal right to be in our country.
State Rep. Micky Hammon, R-Decatur, House sponsor of the bill, said it is already having the effect supporters had hoped by forcing  illegal aliens in the country  to leave the state.
"These far-left, liberal groups have filed an injunction because those who live here illegally and break our laws with their simple presence are packing up and leaving Alabama. That was the intent of the bill in the first place - to protect our borders and our jobs," Hammon said.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

No Justification In The Bible For Amnesty For Those Breaking The Law (a.k.a. illegals aliens)

By Steve Hickey

People today are using the Bible to both support and oppose giving amnesty to illegal immigrants in our country.  Hoffmeier clears up the confusion explaining how there are three Hebrew words that we translate "foreigner"- zar, nekhar and gerZar and nekhar refer to visitors from foreign countries who are just passing through.  Ger refers to foreign residents who live in another land WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE HOST NATION making them legal aliens/or immigrants.  Joseph asked Pharaoh's permission for his family to live in Egypt during the famine (Gen. 45:16-18).
The Bible talks in 160 places about how the Ger is not to be oppressed but to receive equal justice and have full access to the social support system of ancient Israel. There is also provision for religious inclusion.  But the Ger were OBLIGATED TO LIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS of Israelite society.  According to Jewish law, the zar and nekhar do not have the benefits extended to the Ger, the legal alien.
Quit with the "Deport Jesus" rhetoric!
The mistake many well-meaning Christians make is to extend the Biblical laws for the Ger to illegal aliens in America even though they don't fit the legal and social definition.  It is true that God is an adopter, but he's also a respecter of law, borders and national soveriegnty. It's not hard to find passages where we are commanded to welcome the stranger, passages about God engrafting foreigners into the family of faith.  But what I'm hearing these days is a total distortion of all of this, as if laws don't matter.
President Obama's religious affairs advisor Shaun Casey said;
Jesus was an illegal alien… the disciples were displaced people.  That Jesus was an illegal ought to shape how we engage the current debate… in the current debate over immigration policy it distresses me to no end that so many of my fellow church goers ignore this fundamental tenet that should be central to our identity.
And you'll hear these folks go on to quote this verse to make their point that Jesus can identify with illegal's… "Foxes have holes in the ground, birds of the air have nets but the Son of Man has no where to lay his head."  And so the point there is we grant amnesty to twelve million illegal aliens so we aren't just like those who turned pregnant Mary and Joseph away from the inn.
How do you respond to that?  Here's how… point out it's all patently false.  Jesus broke no law, he wasn't an illegal, neither were his disciples. Jesus' parents didn't violate Egyptian law when they crossed the border and lived there legally for two years.  Both nations were regions within the Roman Empire and Joseph and Mary were legally there.
Treat illegals with respect and dignity, but subject them to law
When the Bible tells us to treat well and not turn away the foreigner (Lev. 19:33-34) - it's talking about Ger (legal immigrants).  With regard to illegal immigrants the only passages we have to go on are general passages about showing mercy and compassion to all people.  Those are not passages that can be stretched to mean people can live illegally wherever they want, not pay taxes, and yet receive all the benefits granted the Ger, the legal alien. Romans 13:1 says "everyone must submit himself to governing authorities."
Churches that engage in civil disobedience by providing sanctuary for illegals in their facilities, though appearing compassionate, have no Biblical justification. For those who are illegal, churches CAN help make sure their human rights are protected and that people are treated with dignity and respect - they can pay legal fees to make sure illegal immigrants are given a fair hearing. There are ways to assist the undocumented alien without breaking the law.  For those in the Sioux Falls area I encourage you to support a new ministry my friend Pastor Carl Bruxvoort recently started called New Roots which exists to support our community's growing international population and their families.
Hopefully I've said enough to provoke you to further study.  It's a very complex issue - one of the biggest tangled knots I've struggled with as a Christian trying to sort all this out is how current immigration policy splits up families - legal's and illegals. Also, the church must rise up and decry American Greed which manifests in paying illegals less so we can make more.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Illegal Alien Activist Groups File Suit Against Alabama's Immigration Law

Montgomery, Al (WSFA) - Illegal Alien Activist Group: The Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC) is making good on a promise to fight Alabama's much needed new illegal immigration law.  American Citizens are fedup by the SPLC, and other  traitorous groups.  We have many groups supporting the illegal aliens breaking into the United States, but very few supporting the people in the Shadows: "The AMERICAN CITIZENS."  Every time  we turn around, we see our immigration laws unenforced, and American citizens unprotected.  Our  leaders  only offer aid, assistance, incentives, and rewards to the illegal aliens.   Instead  of protecting our borders from invasion.  They have failed us miserably, and they have done it on purpose; because they don't respect our  nations sovereignty,  and they don't respect American Citizenship.

On Friday the SPLC, along with several other illegal alien activist groups filed a class action lawsuit in U.S. District Court; trying to stop immigration enforcement, claiming that, the  law is  unconstitutional. The law doesn't take effect until September 1. For many Americans it should have taken effect 30 years ago.

The lawless SPLC, trying to smear the new law said: the new law, is proof that the Jim Crow era continues in Alabama. 

How is enforcing the federal immigration laws, Jim Crow?  This shows how twisted and backwards the SPLC has become. Jim Crow was about oppressing citizens, and depriving them of citizenship rights. while the immigration laws are meant to deal with illegal Aliens, who have no right to work,  move, play, or even pray in our country.  As they have NO legal right to be in our country in the first place.

The suits objective is to halt illegal immigration law enforcement; by challenging the law's constitutionality based on the grounds, that it violates the constitution's supremacy clause, which they say: only gives the federal government the power to handle immigration enforcement. The only clause it violates is the non immigration enforcement clause; which is something Illegal Alien Activist Groups will fight like the Devil. This is a picture of the politically correct twisted mind that is destroying our country today. They will grasp any straw to keep the illegal aliens coming.

It also alleges that the new law will subject U.S. citizens and permanent residents to unlawful search and seizure.  These people know they have absolutely no concern for American Citizens. They just don't want to,  in anyway, stop illegals from breaking into our country. 

John Pickens, Appleseed Center for Law and Justice said, "Matters pertaining to illegal immigration are exclusively vested with the federal government and say: states don't have the authority to supplement or pass laws relating to immigration enforcement. Groups like the Appleseed Center, are basically illegal alien activist groups.  Their only goal is to aid, and assist,  illegal immigration, and to resist, and/or stop any type of immigration enforcement.  The Appleseed Center claims the best way to fix Illegal Immigration is to give them "Amnesty"(Comprehensive Immigration Reform).

They are doing their best to pressure political leaders to resist illegal immigration enforcement.  John Pickens and his Appleseed Center basically, have one purpose, and that is to advocate, and promote lawlessness, anarchy, and promote the continuance of  massive illegal immigration. 

The Appleseed center uses the excuse: It is the Federal Governments Job To Enforce Immigration Laws," knowing that the federal government has had, and continues to have no interest in enforcing immigration laws. This is just clearly an attempt to intimidate and halt any type of immigration enforcement.

Alabama is the fifth state to enact immigration enforcement,  legislation, to deal with the massive hoards of illegals flooding, and infesting our country.   Alabama's law, modeling itself after the: way too late, but much need SB1070 law passed in Arizona. Other states include Georgia, Utah and Indiana, seeing the federal governments refusal to enforce immigration laws, are also implementing laws to deal with the illegal alien crisis in our nation.   Illegal alien activist judges, however,  have consistently blocked implementation of these Arizona-style laws.