Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gov. Brown Signs First Part of California's New Nightmare DREAM Act

Originally By Bryan Llenas, Modified To Remove Politically Correct Leadings

Illegal alien activist Governor Jerry Brown officially signed California's Assembly Bill 130 Monday afternoon, increasing access to college financial aid for illegal aliens in the state.
The bill is part of a legislative package made up of two parts, AB 130 and AB 131, and together they are referred to as the California DREAM Act. 
Brown's signing on Monday paves the way for illegal aliens to reap the benefits  of American citizens or legal residents from private scholarship money. The second part of the bill, AB 131, which has not been signed, would grant illegal aliens the same public financial aid options given to U.S. citizens and legal residents.
Meanwhile, Illegal Alien Activist, President Barack Obama reaffirmed his support for the Illegal Alien DREAM Act in his address to the National Council of La Raza Conference (NCLR):  That  is "The National Council of the HISPANIC RACE" earlier in the day.
Two months ago, Obama went to El Paso, Texas, too, and pledged to fight for an immigration overhaul (Illegal Alien Amnesty Program).
"I promised you I would fix our broken immigration system(pass an illegal alien amnesty bill) and make the DREAM Act a reality," he said. "I went down to the border of El Paso to vision for an immigration system that holds true to our values( I guess those values are:American Citizenship Means Nothing) and our heritage, and meets our economic and security needs." I would have to guess, that Obama is saying we will  spend every penny,  and do all in our power to take care of Illegal Aliens from Mexico.

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